martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Interoperabilidad - Java, Netbeans 6.1, .NET 3.0

Este articulo explica paso por paso la creacion de un web service haciendo uso de las ventajas de Netbeans IDE 6.1 asegurandose la interoperabilidad con Microsoft .NET 3.0.

El siguiente es el resumen del articulo:

This article is intended for programmers who are interested in adding additional qualities to their services, clients, or SOA solutions, as well as for beginners in Java web service development. You will learn how to use NetBeans IDE 6.1 to develop Java web service clients and services that can interoperate with Microsoft .NET 3.0 clients and services, how to use encryption and signatures to protect confidentiality and integrity of message transmission without need for SSL, and how to use Reliability features to ensure that none of your application messages are lost or delivered twice.



1 comentario:

Andres Arias dijo...

Hola Jose

Excelente! Gracias por el aporte. Sigan adelante